Coming back to my hostel from home with my father on an early winter evening had many pleasant surprises for me on the cuttack-bhubaneswar highway. Sitting behind my father who was intently driving the Honda Activa amidst speeding trucks and buses, I was gazing here and there when some priceless moments caught my attention. The Two wheelers racing on the highway around us carried people and emotions which were inexplicable.
While the young twosomes were racing away... with speed of the bike depending on how tight the hug the driver got from his sweetheart behind him.There one could see all the gigglings, whispers of sweet nothings and sweet smiles intricately associated with the driving. These couples were mostly newly married or with one kid, the wife clinging the husband tight & the husband loving every bit of it.
Then there were the middle aged couples with one or two grown up kids, looking at them you feel, the love is same but its way of expression has changed with time. There are puckered eyebrow conversations, worried faces, yet there is love there somewhere which got mingled with domestic responsibilities with time.
The vehicles ranged from the humble Luna to the racy Pulsar, yet what remained same was the happiness and satisfaction one gets by seeing so many diferent forms of love. Somewhere deep down, I had a silent prayer in my heart.
I prayed that may these lovely twosomes be happy and intimate always..not just in the journey on the highway but in a bigger journey..the journey of a lifetime of togetherness :)
Cheers to the amazing feeling called "love" :)